SUNY GCC - lol电竞菠菜

GCC 和 its ACE Program have hundreds of college-level courses for homeschooled students, 给他们一个强大的选择同时入学的机会. ACE以下列方式提供在家自学教育:

  • 首页schooled students can earn the required 24 college credits to satisfy 纽约高中同等文凭 通过王牌.
  • 课程在GCC的所有七个校区讲授.
  • Internet savvy, college-ready students can take online courses through GCC’s 在线学习.
  • Courses can be scheduled online or at a campus at the convenience of several homeschooled families for a targeted group of ten or more students pending instructor availability.
  • 学生通过GCC的课程探索和拓展他们的职业抱负 职业服务.
  • GCC的在家上学的学生喜欢使用所有的 学院设施 包括转学中心, 图书馆, 健身中心, 计算机实验室, 学生社团和组织, 学生会, 杰纳西艺术中心, 还有更多.


There are four steps to registering for classes 通过ACE项目办公室:

  1. 填写一张 国内学校入学申请 提交给ACE项目办公室的斯蒂芬妮·林德尔 8月5日秋季1月5日为春季
  2. 安排并参加ATB(能力效益)分班测试
  3. 提交你的 家庭学校注册 通过ACE项目办公室 报名截止日期:
    • 秋季- 8月15日
    • 春季- 1月15日
  4. 提交一个 居住证明 每年避免一次 双倍学费


为了帮助在家上学的家庭,ACE办公室开发了一套 家庭学校录取清单 按纪律,以24小时赚取大学学分政策为例 纽约州教育部高中同等文凭. Most of the courses on the 24 Credit Hour Academic Check List are held at GCC’s campus centers, 并为在家上学的学生提供公开注册课程. 请注意以下事项:

  • 18岁以下的学生支付76美元的ACE费率.核准名单上的课程每学时收费30元.
  • 学费余额为 通过奖学金基金支付; however withdrawing from any courses makes the student responsible for the 全日制杰西社区学院 学费收费.
  • Courses fulfill high school equivalency 和 credit transfer requirements.
  • Students must schedule the “Ability to Benefit” (ATB) exam before they can register to be certain they aren’t over or under challenged by the courses they take.
  • College Prep courses (MAT 091, MAT 092, ENG 091, REA 091) can be taken by ATB placement. 这些课程将由奖学金支付, but do not count toward the 24 credit hours for the High Equivalency Diploma


The ACE program appreciates the contribution homeschooled students make to our college community. We aim to help homeschooled students transition into the public college environment from the onset of the application right through to graduation at GCC, 和 also enable the possible transfer to a four-year college for a bachelor’s or higher degree.

Q. 我的三个孩子从一年级开始在家上学, some of my 朋友 tell me that colleges don’t like to accept homeschooled students 和 others tell me it doesn’t matter. 你的意见是什么??

A: Most colleges 和 universities accept homeschooled students but they have their own policy as to how homeschool curriculum is evaluated. At GCC with our ACE program, we prefer to advise each homeschooled student individually. We evaluate their academic st和ing through the (ATB) Ability to Benefit placement test, 同样重要的是, we help students explore their career interests 和 enroll in courses best suited for their future.

Q. One of my 朋友 said that her daughter began taking Genesee Community College classes when she was 15. 这是怎么回事??

A: Any homeschooled student under the age of 18 can begin college classes through GCC’s ACE program if they pass the (ATB) Ability to Benefit placement test. The ACE Program gives homeschooled students the chance to participate in college-level courses 和 the tuition is only about one-third of GCC’s usual tuition.

Q. ACE课程在哪里提供?

A:虽然很多ACE课程都是在地区高中开设的, the homeschool students can take classes online as well as in-person on the 巴达维亚 main campus or at the campus centers in Dansville, 麦地那和华沙.  除了, homeschooled students are encouraged to sign up for any college course that fits their schedule, as long as they have passed the (ATB) Ability to Benefit placement test or fulfilled any course specific pre-requisites.

Q. 我们很难在家里教科学. ACE开设生物、化学或物理课程吗?

是的. Students can register for any science courses from our list of approved courses. 事实上是这样的, 有10个学生的门槛,他们需要一门特定的课程, GCC 和 ACE will offer this course at a convenient time 和 campus center location for any group of 10 or more homeschooled students. So let’s say you 和 a group other students from other homeschooled families need college-level biology course. 如果你能招到至少十个学生, 我们很乐意提供, Human Biology (BIO102) or Introduction to Chemistry (CHE100) in one of our labs for your group.

Q. 我听说学生可以在家学习并获得学分. 我的孩子可以通过这种方式注册吗?

答:绝对. 你可能在考虑我们的在线电子学习课程和学位. These courses are taught by the same faculty 和 cover the same curriculum as those in the classroom. 在线学习的学生必须有一台电脑, 高速互联网连接, 和 they should be motivated students who readily work independently with their own schedule.

Q. Once my child has secured his 纽约高中同等文凭 by taking courses from GCC’s ACE program, 他或她能留在GCC学习lol菠菜竞猜吗?

当然可以! However the discounted ACE tuition rate will end once your child has earned 24 college credit hours. 成为普通海湾合作委员会学生的过渡是无缝的. No further applications are necessary 和 he can easily continue the connections he might have made with faculty, 朋友, 学生社团和其他活动.

Q. How easy will it be for my son or daughter to be accepted into a four-year college or institution with a 纽约高中同等文凭?

A: All colleges 和 universities have their own unique enrollment 和 admission processes, but having college credit from a community college along with good academic st和ing 和 a strong application essay reflecting serious educational interests can be advantageous.


GCC参考了以下非正式网站, informational purposes only 和 has no official association or affiliation with these organizations.
