SUNY GCC - lol电竞菠菜




Career Pathways 健康 Careers Academy is a one year partnership program between Genesee Valley Educational Partnership and Genesee Community College for highly motivated high school seniors interested in exploring the medical field as a career choice. 还能获得15个大学学分, students investigate a multitude of health careers through job shadows and internships at a variety of related facilities.

  • 学生负责lol电竞菠菜. 学院学生的学时费用是GCC常规学费的1/3.
  • Students will receive a GCC ID and have access to college facilities including: computer labs, 体育设施, 图书馆数据库, 和GCC电子邮件
  • 医院部门提供实习轮岗.
  • All lab coats, college textbooks, and materials for the classroom and Biology labs are supplied.
  • Classrooms as well as job shadows and internships are hosted at a number of professional sites across the GLOW region.
  • 从15个学分开始你的大学生涯:



Career Pathways 司法学院 is a one year partnership program between Genesee Valley Educational Partnership and Genesee Community college for highly motivated high school seniors interested in investigating careers in the legal field. 还能获得15个大学学分, students explore multidisciplinary legal professions through job shadows and internships at a variety of law enforcement and legal facilities.

  • 学生负责lol电竞菠菜.  Credit hour cost for academy students is currently 1/3 of the regular GCC tuition rate.
  • Students will receive a GCC ID and have access to college facilities including: computer labs, 体育设施, 图书馆数据库, 和GCC电子邮件
  • 实地考察,包括门罗县犯罪实验室, 杰纳西县治安官办公室和法院, UB法学院, 司法大厅, 联邦拘留中心和阿提卡监狱的全面参观.
  • 工作见习和实习, 包括杰纳西县治安官办公室, 执法机构, 律师事务所, 法官, 缓刑的办公室, 和法院.
  • 从15个学分开始你的大学生涯:



Career Pathways 体育科学学院 is a one year partnership program between Genesee Valley Educational Partnership (Mt. Morris Campus only) and Genesee Community College for highly motivated high school seniors interested in exploring the world of Sports Science as a career choice. 还能获得15个大学学分, 学生将探索许多与生理学相关的技术或专业职业, 心理学, 解剖学, 生物力学, 生物化学, 生物动力学,同时学习技能和专业要求的领域.  体育科学学院 students combine secondary education with collegiate education to achieve their long term goal of successful employment.

The 体育科学学院 program is targeted for high school seniors who have successfully maintained an 80 average for the first three years of high school.  学生应该模范出勤, 熟练阅读和写作, 具备独立工作和团队合作所需的责任感.

  • 学生负责lol电竞菠菜. 学院学生的学时费用是GCC常规学费的1/3.
  • Students will receive a GCC ID and have access to college facilities including: computer labs, 体育设施, 图书馆数据库, 和GCC电子邮件.
  • The college course work combined with the hands on activities will allow students to gain valuable insight into the sports science career field.
  • 学生参加工作影子和/或实习.
  • 学生探索在体育科学职业环境中工作的现实.
  • Students develop a network through job shadows and professional and college mentors.
  • 该计划提供了一个独特的机会,是学术上的挑战.
  • The program has a multi-disciplinary design providing a sense of closure to their high school education and a direct transition to their next level of professional development into a specific sports science profession.
  • The program provides work-based learning experiences that are focused and relevant and assist in creating a sports science career network.
  • Business and community involvement is encouraged by extending the classroom beyond the traditional four walls.
  • 获取体育科学信息的基础, 解决问题, 团队合作, communicating through oral and written expressions and professional behavior is provided.
  • Self-motivated students who are able to master time management skills are ideal candidates.


  • 为员工提供发展机会
  • working cooperatively with area businesses and organizations including the the Business Education Alliances/Councils


  • 提供职业能力评估/问卷
  • 提供工作见习和实习机会
  • providing opportunities to earn college credit at a greatly reduced cost while completing secondary school



Genesee Community College 高科技战争 is a competition for high school and middle school technology students in the GLOW (Genesee, 利文斯顿, Orleans and Wyoming Counties) region organized by a committee of local teachers to bring technology alive. The goal is to allow students to take what they learn in their Technology classrooms and compete in a hands-on educational yet fun program. Hopefully this competition will boost the students’ interest in technology so they will enroll in additional related classes. Ultimately the imagination of some students may go beyond the classroom where they develop such a deep interest in Technology that they make a career of it. Some day these students may come back as a teacher or mentor of the technology students of the future. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 科技战争网站.



虚拟商业的学生虚拟业务 is a business designed for students to learn real-world business through hands-on work while facilitated by a teacher. 虚拟业务es conduct business with one another in a simulated environment using various forms of electronic communication such as internet, 电子邮件和电话. 虽然没有实际的货物或货币转移, students manage all the usual activities involved in operating a business such as conducting sales, 发送订单, 发行发票, 维护财务记录, 支付员工, 以及报税.

Every year all students come together on campus for a Professional Day and a Trade Fair.